Monday, May 21, 2012

Geometry Review

A line has an angle measurement of 180 degrees.  In math, supplementary angles are angles that add up to 180 degrees.
The picture to the right has us Compare Angles from two parallel lines, OQR and PTS, cut by a traversal line NQT   The following vocabulary words are things we can review from this drawing.
1. Alternate interior angles are highlighted in between the parallel lines.  These angles are on opposite sides and when their angle measures are combined they add up to 180 degrees.  For example the yellow angles are shown to be congruent to one another in the diagram above. 
2. Cooresponding angles are add up to 180 degrees and are on the same side of the traversal.   the interior angle on the same side are congruent.  In the diagram angle Q is congruent to the blue angles. 
3. Adjacent angles are angles that are next to another and sum up to 180 degrees in the figure.  Angle T and the yellow angle next to it are adjacent angles. 
4. Vertical Angles are formed by the same parallel line and are not adjacent.  Angle T and the blue angle across from it are vertical angles.  Vertical angles do not add up to 180 degrees.

Vocabulary and Comparing Angles Practice at

1 comment:

  1. Students have found success with identifying the angles using the link at the bottom of this page. What are some other interactive sites for geometry that may be helpful or fun?
