Friday, March 18, 2011

To Gamble or Not to Gamble?

Some people believe that video gambling is like throwing your money away when you could spend it on something more valuable. In the opinion article, Repeal Video Gambling, Chicago Tribune writers support how state government is trying to repeal video gambling. The article shows video gambling affect society's well being and money problems. Click on this link to see the writer's opinion about video gambling. The author shows the way Illinois law makers are trying to protect consumers against predatory businesses. In the article it states, "(there are)terrible social costs of video gambling in other locales where it's legal". What do you think about video gambling, is it a problem for society, or does it have useful ways to solve our government's money problems?

Editing Assistant: Antrone


  1. . I think that gambling is a source of entertainment for people and that we shouldn't censor people's interests. The harmful affects of gambling should not be overlooked; however there is regulation of this business like other businesses. The number of gambling machines should be restricted, and the state revenue should be responsibly spent to ensure that it benefits the larger community.

  2. Well antrone I'm really agree with you that alots people have been wasting alots of their's money and waste on game gambling. But all the people make the gambling game, they just like try to took all your money form you because gambling is not a easy to win, is like you were playing a difficult game. So is basically on your luck or waste tons of money for nothing at all! ;D
