Friday, May 20, 2011

Poetry and Art

April was National Poetry Month and students published poetry in response to art work. In the poems below, what types of figurative language do you notice? How do you see the poems and art work complementing each other?

Stuck in the Moment
By, Ines

She pressed against each petal
As if she was holding onto her life,

Blowing away each “He loves you petal”
Wishing she could be his wife.

A Rose By, Sara

Is a symbol from the lovely red rose,
It’s something given,
In luxury velvet clothes.

A rose,
Is a symbol of love,
a touch of destiny,
from the angels above.
A Lone Tree By, Kim

A lone tree in a vast valley,
Holding fast to its shivering leaves,
But to no avail.
Soon it shall be alone.

Its children fluttering in the breeze,
Take off to join the world in its soil.
In anguish, the tree turns dark. Ebony.
Its central body clouded with desperation.

Untitled by, Advin

I stand on a great mountain
watching the city I call home.
As the dark night
casts its cloak around me
I never felt more alone.

The moon stands by me
and gives me a hopeful light
With each strike of lightening
I regret each mistake in my life.

What images do you see in the poems that are also present in the art work?

1 comment:

  1. I see a theme of nature in each of these poems.

    This is only a sampling of some of the wonderful artistry and poetry that the class of 2011 has shown. I like how the figurative language in the poems relates to the art work.

    "The dark night casts its cloak around me"

    The eye in this drawing seems to be watching a bewildering night sky. It makes me think how times of regret and times of joy expound in the world.
